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South Carolina Education Lottery

There was an error processing your request.

If you received this error after trying to update/reset your Players’ Club account password, please make sure you are clicking the password reset link in the most recent password reset email you received. If you have attempted to reset your password multiple times, only the most recent password reset email will work. The link in the password reset email will also expire within 30 minutes of a request. You may also want to try checking for the password reset/confirmation email on different computer or phone.

If you received this error after trying to confirm your Players’ Club account password, please make sure you are clicking the confirmation link in the most recent confirmation email you received. If you have attempted to confirm your account multiple times, only the most recent confirmation reset email will work. The link in the confirmation email will also expire within 30 minutes of a request. You may also want to try checking for the confirmation email on different computer or phone.

If you received this error after trying to update your Players’ Club account information, please make sure you are typing in your information and not using the browser suggestions or autofill. If you were trying to update your email address, you may already have an account using the new email address being entered. In that case, try using the forgot password request.

If the problem persists or for other issues, please click here to and use the Contact Form to reach out to us.