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A New Spin On Winning Headline

Purchase any of THE BIG $PIN® scratch-off tickets (Games 1588, 1589, 1590, and 1591) for a chance to spin and win!

All Big Spin Ticket Images

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Scratch Ticket Headline

Scratch your ticket to reveal prize(s) or a “Spin Ticket Symbol Image” symbol. If a “Spin Ticket Symbol Image” symbol is revealed on any THE BIG $PIN® scratch-off ticket, use the Ticket Checker in the Players’ Club App to watch the interactive animated wheel spin or go to any lottery retail outlet to scan the ticket.

Ticket Example With Spin Symbol

South Carolina Education Lottery Mobile App Apple Store Link South Carolina Education Lottery Mobile App Apple Store Link
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Scan Ticket Headline

Once a winning “Spin Ticket Symbol Image” ticket is scanned, it will prompt you to “TAP TO $PIN THE WHEEL”. Reveal your prize or "The Big Spin Ticket Symbol" ! Prizes of $500 or less may be claimed at any SCEL retailer. For prizes over $500, sign the back of the ticket, provide the requested information, and visit the SCEL Claims Center or mail with a claim form. Prizes over $100,000 must be claimed in person at the SCEL Claims Center. Note: The animated wheel spin is for entertainment purposes only. The ticket remains the bearer instrument to claim your prize.

Ticket Example With the App

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Second-Chance Headline

When you enter your ticket in Players' Club Rewards, you will be entered into the Second-Chance promotion. The price of your ticket equals the number of entries that you receive. One winner will be drawn and will have a chance to win up to $2,000,000 in a live Studio Spin! Visit The Big $pin Second-Chance page to learn more. The draw date will be announced once the Last Day to Sell is determined.

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Spin Live Headline

If the wheel stops on "The Big Spin Ticket Symbol", you will win a guaranteed minimum prize that correlates with your THE BIG $PIN® scratch-off ticket game price point and an opportunity to spin THE BIG $PIN® LIVE wheel for a chance to win a Top Prize that also correlates with your THE BIG $PIN® scratch-off game price point. To participate in the spin, a waiver of anonymity and appearance is required. THE BIG $PIN® LIVE events take place at Lottery Headquarters in Columbia, South Carolina. Wheel prizes vary depending on the price point of THE BIG $PIN® scratch-off game ticket purchased. Minimum prizes and top prizes are listed below per scratch-off game number in this Promotion. See THE BIG $PIN® LIVE Rules for more information.

The Big Spin Chart Image
The Big Spin Wheel Image

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The Big $pin Live Winners Headline

The Big $pin® Live Winner:
James from Whitmire, SC

The Big $pin® Live Winner:
Sherron from Boiling Springs, SC

The Big $pin® Live Winner:
Lula from Scranton, SC

The Big $pin® Live Winner:
Johnny from Fort Mill, SC

The Big $pin® Live Winner:
Tom from Mount Pleasant, SC

The Big $pin® Live Winner:
Mary from Greenville, SC
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$1 Ticket: Top prize odds: 1 in 780,000. Overall odds: 1 in 4.73.
$2 Ticket: Top prize odds: 1 in 900,000. Overall odds: 1 in 4.49.
$5 Ticket: Top prize odds: 1 in 900,000. Overall odds: 1 in 4.08.
$10 Ticket: Top prize odds: 1 in 1,500,000. Overall odds: 1 in 3.54.
Odds of winning $2,000,000 at The Big Spin® Live Event: 1 in 20.
Second-Chance promotion odds depend on number of entries received.